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Chloe Quenon
The 2024 riding season draws to a close
We would like to thank all our breeders for the trust they have placed in us.
Chloe Quenon
Touardo Blue Z 6th in the GP de Courrière!
Fantastic runs by Nathan Budd and Touardo Blue Z in this GP
Chloe Quenon
H'Aubigny de Talma wins the CSI Fontainebleau Grand Prix for 7-year-olds!
H'Aubigny confirms its excellent regularity!
Chloe Quenon
Coldplay des Rosiers Z impresses at CSI Fontainebleau
Coldplay des Rosiers takes part in the 8-year-old classes at the CSI 5 * Fontainebleau
Chloe Quenon
Touardo Blue Z faultless and qualified for the GP
After a clear round yesterday, Touardo did it again today and qualified for the GP CSI Fontainebleau.
Chloe Quenon
Cashpaid J&F clear round CSI 4* Sunshine Tour!
magnificent clear round by Cashpaid J&F in the GP 160 4* Sunshine Tour
Chloe Quenon
H'aubigny de Talma wins the CSI Polo Club Gassin GP for 7-year-olds!
And that's two for H'aubigny de Talma! After a first victory in the speed event, he won the Gand Prix for 7-year-olds.
Chloe Quenon
H'Aubigny de Talma wins the 7-year-old class !
A fine debut for H'Aubigny de Talma, who won the 7-year-old CSI 3* event in Gassin.
Chloe Quenon
Excellent weekend pour H'Aubigny de Talma
Pour son premier CSI monté par Nathan Budd, H'Aubigny réalise un très beau concours et termine 4 ème du GP des 6 ans